Monday, May 21, 2012

The First Post

Hey guys, my name's Teresa and welcome to Shit My Sister Says! I feel like the introductory post is always awkward...trying to find the right way to word things and get a feel for what your writing style will be like. Anyway, this blog is just a place for me to share some of the hilarious things my younger sister says.

A little about us:
- Her name is Denise and she's 19, I'm 22.

- We have a love/hate relationship that is thankfully more love than hate now that we're older. So on our good days, we're best friends ;) She says on our bad days it's World War V.

- We've always had our differences with me being the more conservative sister and her being the bolder one. Though now that we're older it feels like we flip flop a lot.

- She's a Mac, I'm a PC, haha.

- We both LOVE nail polish but our stashes are super different! My sister is a huge fan of pastels and neutrals and I love darks and bold colors... NEONS.

- We grew up in a military household where both parents were active duty.

- We both miss Iceland and want to go back! In fact, neither of us wants to stay in the US when we move out.
That's all I can really think of. Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask in the comments! So with the introduction out of the way here are two gems my sister's said. The first one was back in March when we were at school (yes, I started this blog forever ago and am JUST now posting!) and the second one was today.

Gem #1: 
We're at school in the Cyber Cafe and my sister is browsing Cleopatra's Choice, a site that sells beauty products. She gets to a product called 'collagen booster' and says,

"Fuck that! What I need is some cellulite sucker!"

Gem #2:
We’re walking back to the apartment after having brunch together and there are buttercups littered across the grass. My sister asks what we used to do with the buttercups when we were kids, so I answer:

“We used to hold them under our chin to see if it turned yellow."

“What did it mean again?”

We both start laughing as I explain it to her.

“It was to figure out whether or not you liked butter.”

Then she goes:

“Dang, then Paula Deen must’ve been LIGHTIN’ UP!”

Needless to say, we both cracked up a good portion of the way home. :D

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed my first post! Enjoy the rest of your week! :)